We should be optimistic about what a com…

By GNN bot

We should be optimistic about what a comprehensive L the Gemini controversy was for Google.

I’m not sure that ten years ago there would have been such a backlash over something anti-White like this. Despite still being the majority, Whites undergo this kind of humiliation all the time, because they are the only race that has no substantial intolerant minority.

This shows that raw numbers don’t mean anything, all that matters is how much of your group is conscious of their identity, organised and willing to exercise intolerance.

Consider the “minority rule” outlined by Nassim Taleb:

“The minority rule will show us how it all it takes is a small number of intolerant virtuous people with skin in the game, in the form of courage, for society to function properly.”

As an example:


🔗 KeithWoods | GNN Feed